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APA Guide & Template

Introduction to APA

The Five Easy Steps to Use APA in Your Word Document

At the bottom of this page, you will find two downloads in word format. One explaining this same thing and the other to show an example of the template in its glory. Please use the references below as it will help you using the template.

1.      Use Your Library.

Stop by the Library and pick up your copy of the APA Documentation, which contains many useful samples.

2.      APA Formatting and Style Guide.

Web Link: Direct to owl.purdue.edu

3.      Format Your APA Headings.

Web Link: Direct to owl.purdue.edu

4.      Using Microsoft Word with APA Style 6th Edition: by Samuel Forlenza.

Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKWKswH29kM

Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VTaKLeAHds

5.      How to Create an Automatic Table of Contents in Word 2016 by Robert McMillen.

Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8WAmWazmAQ 
1:10 min

Word Shortcuts

Key Combo Description
CTRL + S Saves the document
CTRL + P Opens Print Dialog Box
CTRL + X Shortcut for the CUT Command
CTRL + C Copies the selected
CTRL + V Pastes whatever is on the clipboard
CTRL + A Select everything in the document ready to be copied or cut.


You can also download my APA Template: (It is useful at many colleges.) I set all the default styles pre-made all you need to do is copy and paste your document and use the styles at the top of the page. Just remember your all headings are formatted differently you can use purdue.edu as a reference.

These files must be opened in Microsoft Word only.

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